Unseen Plays: We feel honored to have you with us Chealen! Welcome to Unseen Plays. We ask the first question about your background and music history. Tell us about your story! How did you get...
Gabrielle Ornate creates rapture with her new single Delirium (Song of the Month) Unseen Plays: Hey Gabrielle! Welcome to Unseen Plays. We’re ecstatic to showcase your music and thankful to have you with us. Let’s begin this interview by getting to know you better. For those...
The Lunar Keys doing better for the planet and your ears
Listen to The Lunar Key's latest single "Life is a Dirty War" below or check them out on our Unseen Playlist: Unseen Plays: Welcome to Unseen Plays! We are happy to have you with us. Let’s begin...
Valere is stuck in our heads with her new single Unseen Plays: Welcome Valere! We are delighted to have you featured on our blog. Thanks for taking the time to be here. Let’s start off by asking about your origin story. Tell us a bit about...