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Saarland’s emerging pop punk band L.A. Rive

Unseen Plays | Music Blog

Written by Tori AKA Rebel

Mar 3, 2023

Unseen Plays: Thanks for being part of the UP fam and for doing this interview with us. We are stoked to learn more about you! Please tell us more about L.A. Rive. We see that this isn’t a band but rather a solo pop-punk project. How did this all get started for you and how long has this music project been going on?

L.A. Rive: Actually, I’m a drummer. Since I was 16 years old I played drums in different bands but never dared to make my music. My love for pop-punk started very early during my school years. It started with a poster of Blink 182 in my cousin’s room. With Blink 182 I discovered my love for pop-punk and this love has never stopped. About a year ago I turned my back on the band life to dedicate myself to my music. This would turn into L.A.Rive.

Unseen Plays: Tell us a bit about where you are from and what the pop-punk scene is like in your area. Are there any great bands or other pop-punk music projects you want to give a shout-out to?

L.A. Rive: I am from Germany and live in the southwest of the country. To be exact in Saarland. Therefore I would like to apologize for any funny English sentences ^^ In my opinion there is no pop-punk scene in this region. There are only a few bands in this genre here. Overall, however, there is a big band scene in my region, but mostly in the field of metal. So sometimes I long a little bit for the classic hometowns of pop-punk in America. I wonder if I would have more listeners there! Who knows… Here there are not directly bands that I think of as pop-punk directly but there are many small pop-punk bands that I listen to on Spotify and whose music I also appreciate very much.

Unseen Plays: Okay, so we really wanna know more about your latest single titled “Episode”. What influenced this song? And what is it all about?

L.A. Rive: The song episode was created after my ex-girlfriend broke up with me. Chronologically, the song is to be classified after ‘The Longest Nights’. While The Longest Night is still mainly about longing for the failed relationship, Episode is more about coming to terms with this relationship and looking forward. All in all, everything was just a past episode, like so many things in life…

Unseen Plays: What is coming up for L.A. Rive? Are your latest tracks part of a bigger music project or are we gonna hear more singles these upcoming months?

L.A. Rive: My goal is that many people to listen to my music and share their feelings with me. Whether I will ever earn money with it is less important. It would be cool to perform some of my songs at a bigger event, but I still lack the necessary repertoire and live experience. My goal is to develop this live version of L.A.Rive piece by piece in the coming time. As far as my releases are concerned, I would like to release independent singles regularly. If possible every 2-3 months. So you can look forward to more music in the next months.

Unseen Plays: You mention you are a drummer and not a singer. Since releasing your last two tracks have you changed your mind on this yet? Or do you still feel more drummer than a singer?

L.A. Rive: I feel more and more like a solo artist but still not a singer. This is mainly because I feel like I’m not a good singer. Most of the time I think I can’t hit a note:D

Unseen Plays: Do you think Pop Punk is making a comeback? And what are your thoughts on the “when we were young festival”? Have you heard of it?

L.A. Rive: Yes, I think pop-punk is making a comeback in some ways, just packaged a little differently. I think of artists like MGK, JXDN, and Kenny Hoppla. I personally think this new kind of pop-punk is cool and I like to listen to the music of the above-mentioned artists. I know the WWWY festival. When I saw the lineup I knew about 95% of the bands:D
The fact that such a festival takes place shows that pop punk is still listened to and liked by many people.

Unseen Plays: What is some of your favorite pop-punk bands from the past and are any new ones hitting up your playlists now?

L.A. Rive: Blink 182, All Time Low, Yellowcard, Good Charlotte, Sum 41, Mayday Parade, ADTR, The Ataris, …

Unseen Plays: What’s something you really wanna nail in music right now? An ambition that is lingering in your soul?

L.A. Rive: To be the opening band of one of the above bands. Even if it is only for 1 song.

Unseen Plays: Tell us about your artist’s name! What’s the story behind it? Anything significant?

L.A. Rive: The name came from looking at my eau de toilette. La rive became L.A.Rive. L.A. thus also describes the heart of pop-punk and the coast here is also inextricably linked with pop-punk. So simply the name was born. More profundity does not exist:D

Unseen Plays: If you could describe your music in one word. What word would you use?

L.A. Rive: Dreamy

Unseen Plays: Last random question to get to know you all better: Nachos, Burgers, or Pizza?

L.A. Rive: Definitely Pizza.

Unseen Plays: Lastly, what’s the best place to check out your music and learn more about L.A. Rive?

L.A. Rive: The best place to check me out is on Spotify and my website at

You can listen to L.A. Rive’s latest single below and on our Pop Punk Playlist: