Where unseen music gets discovered

Safe at Second Music Review - Unseen Plays

Song of the Week | Safe at Second

Safe at Second Music Review - Unseen Plays

Song of the Month | Barely Awake

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Bandcamp Songs of November

Bandcamp Songs of November

Bandcamp Songs of November This month of November we are showcasing a list of songs we thought you would enjoy - straight from Bandcamp! This includes artists and bands from various genres and backgrounds. We are gonna drop a rating but no reviews. We hope you find...

Lil Buzzcut brings you Second Hand Shop

Lil Buzzcut brings you Second Hand Shop

https://open.spotify.com/track/2kb2qpFTirYG0PvYS4nFk0?si=02de09652ff644e0 Unseen Plays: Awesome to have you Lil Buzzcut! Tell us a bit about yourself. When did you get started with music and where are you from? LBC: Lil Buzzcut is a 27 year old dude from Sweden. I’m...

INTICA and her emotional tune Temporary Love

INTICA and her emotional tune Temporary Love

INTICA brings a real take on love and how it can seem like torture when it is absent. "Temporary Love" is a truthful and relatable experience we might encounter in our lives at some point. She makes us feel less alone with her tender vocals and her take on love,...

Motionyear, the pop punk band fueled by Applebee’s.

Motionyear, the pop punk band fueled by Applebee’s.

This week's fresh pick belongs to music we loved the second it started playing. We introduce the pop-punk band Motionyear! According to their Spotify about section they are fueled by Applebee's and have been around since 2020. However, we could be wrong so don't count...