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Music Review: Title Screen – Sometimes

Unseen Plays | Music Blog

Written by Tori AKA Rebel

Aug 25, 2022

Today we are pumped to showcase a new indie/bedroom pop solo act by Andrew Harnisch called Title Screen. Andrew started his solo project back in 2021 and just released his very first 70’s inspired single titled “Sometimes”. He wrote, produced, and partially mixed his song and self-released it on June 10, 2022. What we can say about this song is that it gives us a break and reminds us to keep the wonder in our hearts alive. A sweet, innocent, and British-sounding tune with its electric keys, indie drums, and friendly lyrics, we might just listen to this when all else fails on a gray day. You will enjoy this track if you love any of the Beatle’s solo acts.

You can listen to Title Screen’s new single “Sometimes” below or visit our MusoSoup Finds playlist to take a listen to this track and many more like it:

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