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Music Review: Tafari Anthony – The Way You See Me EP

Unseen Plays | Music Blog

Written by Tori AKA Rebel

May 1, 2022

EP Rating | 10/10

Tafari Anthony is a great discovery this week! Although not completely new, this creator deserves the spotlight. The Toronto based artist provides an entire EP full of pop, R&B and soul melodies that take you on a full emotional ride. A touchy set of songs about romantic frustrations and failing love. Catchy songs you want to hear on repeat, no matter how frustrating love can be.

The first song on the EP titled Living the Dream starts us off with deep bass lines and airy instrumentals that ask you to wake up from your sleep. How many of us are asleep and not living our dreams? I think this song invites us to fight for what we want no matter what our loved ones think of our personal dreams. We need to be our own shamans, find the key and awaken what we have stored within us. We don’t need anyone else for that and if they don’t like it, well they can head another direction.

Moving on to the second track titled When I Come To You, the mood changes, get’s a little sex and confrontational. You can almost visualize Tafari going up to his boy and saying “When I come to you, I am giving all of me” and I expect the same treatment back from you. If you’ve been seeking a song for love that is questionable, this is it!

Getting half way into the EP we start to hear and feel the energy in the music pickup with the song Centerfold. The lyrics on this one are aggressive and beautiful all the same time. By now, Tafari is killing another man’s ego and telling it as it is. He doesn’t hold back from saying what’s on his mind and provides a tune for the change of the seasons. 

Getting to the second to last tune, we’re finishing off with a wild and confident song. One for you is all about standing your ground, setting boundaries and asking for what you really want. No more playing frustrating games with a confused lover. The takeaway message is you’re either going to choose me, or I’ll take you myself.

Finally, we get to the very end only to hear Tafari feeling down and frustrated again but this time with himself. The music slows down as he closes with writing about a man who can’t feel love or who doesn’t believe he can be loved. It gives you this chilly feeling that maybe everything he wrote about failing love in the previous songs was really just him getting in his own way. 

In summary, Tafari Anthony proves that he truly embodies the spirit of creation with The Way You See Me EP. It deserves to be read with ears wide open! Truly a blend of emotionally felt lyrics, a nice blend of danceable pop melodie and paired with a smooth voice that doesn’t hold back from saying what needs to be said.

You can listen to the EP and visit Tafari Anthony on his official website at 

Listen to When I come to You below: