Mental Illness, it’s real, it happens and it’s totally okay! We recently came across Penny Bored, a pop-punk solo project that is pushing the message that you’re never alone. We all know how therapeutic music can be so today we really wanted to showcase their new song “Cherry Chapstick”! I am not gonna lie when I heard the title it made me think about Katy Perry’s song (off topic) but Penny Bored is far from that in a really good way.
Cherry Chapstick is bittersweet, upbeat and fucked, all at the same time. The song follows the story of two lovers that feed off each others insecurities and wounds. Throughout the song there is a lot of questioning going around on whether or not they belong together. The lyrics make you feel the the high and the angst of being with someone that makes your heart beat a million miles per hour.
You can listen to Penny Bored below and on our UNSEEN POP-PUNK PLAYLIST!
You can check out Penny Bored online at: