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Music Interview with Sex At Tiffany’s

Unseen Plays | Music Blog

Written by Tori AKA Rebel

Aug 15, 2022

UP: Let’s talk Sex at Tiffany’s. Tell us about the band! How did you all get started, where are you from, how long have you been together, and what are the band’s plans?

SAT: Sex at Tiffany’s is based out of Charleston, South Carolina (believe it or not). We had our start like any other band, a group of friends coming together with a vision and making it into reality. The group started with Mace Ledger and Leo Pinelo jamming out some of Mace’s song ideas and soon after recruited Dylan Wood to play bass. Mace and Dylan had known each other for a few years, both being known musicians in their right playing in bands around the Charleston area. Searching for a bigger sound and better stage presence, Dylan switched to lead guitar and Eli Glankler joined to fill in on bass. Our first single “Blink Me” was home-recorded in the fall of 2021 a few months after the band started and was recorded as just the original three members of the band. A few months after Eli had joined the band and after writing some new material Sex at Tiffany’s went to 100 Watt Studio to record our debut EP featuring titles such as, “Charleston Thighs” and “Thank You”.

As for our plans for the future, we just wanna share what we love with the world. We have a full-length album in the works currently and are trying to plan a tour of the east coast.

UP: You’ve got three singles out on Spotify – Blink Me, Charleston Thighs, and Thank You. Is there an EP or Album coming up?

SAT: Indeed, as stated before we recently recorded our first EP that included both “Charleston Thighs” and “Thank You”. We are looking forward to hopefully recording a full-length album next year to showcase what we are capable of musically.

UP: One of our personal favorites is “Charleston Thighs” – what is this song about?

SAT: As Mason put it, “It’s about me spending time with my dad and just goofing off and going to downtown Charleston, just drinking, and looking at hot chicks.”

UP: Where have you guys been recording these singles? Who was involved in the process of recording, mixing, and mastering?

SAT: Our first single was recorded at home, and everything on the EP was recorded at 100 Watt studios with Devin Vaughn and Scott Gould in West Ashley, SC. It’s a wonderful studio really, they have everything you need to be creative in a dope environment.

UP: Are there any upcoming shows we should know about?

SAT: We love playing shows and have been doing our best to book in the southeast United States. It gets a little tricky with a lack of management trying to juggle booking and still being musically creative but we have a few coming up in the near future. We’re very excited about playing a local staple in Downtown Charleston, Burns Alley in January 2023.

UP: Give us your best band advice! What’s something you can share with other bands about making music and doing what you love?

SAT: I think the biggest thing about being in a band and being successful at that, is being able to listen to your fellow bandmates and come to an understanding. Whether it’s creatively or just where you’re stopping to eat on the road, you always have to be able to compromise. At the end of the day if you can come together and create something you care about everything else will fold out the way it’s supposed to.

UP: Where are the best places listeners and fans can check you out online?

SAT: Revolver Records has put together a great page for us on their website with links to our social media and music. You can find us anywhere you like to stream music, from Spotify to Tik Tok you can’t get away from us.