New Music Every Month!

Motionyear, the pop punk band fueled by Applebee’s.

Unseen Plays | Music Blog

Written by Tori AKA Rebel

May 24, 2023

This week’s fresh pick belongs to music we loved the second it started playing. We introduce the pop-punk band Motionyear! According to their Spotify about section they are fueled by Applebee’s and have been around since 2020. However, we could be wrong so don’t count on our online findings’ accuracy!

Bonfire, their latest single of 2023, is probably their most impressive track yet. Listening to all the past single releases and even a 4 track EP titled “through the looking glass” we think this new song carries speed, heavy tones, and even more emotional conviction from the band’s singer. It hits hard and its a shade darker than the bands past work! It’s a great pop punk song with great production and structure, it’s just what we’re looking for this year! We always wish bands like these will stay as long as bands like New Found Glory. Please stick around cause we want more!

Listen to Motionyear’s new single “Bonfire” below or on our Unseen Pop Punk Playlist:

You can check out Motionyear online at: