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Can we be free and in love? Karin Ann’s latest single might be the answer.

Unseen Plays | Music Blog

Written by Tori AKA Rebel

Apr 5, 2023

Karin Ann’s latest single, “if I fall for you”, has just arrived. An immediate and intimate song full of emotions and feelings, this track tells a story of being in love with all its risks. With dreamy vocals and a beautiful sequence of events, we are pulled through an uncertain time in the protagonist’s heart. Scared to fall in love and lose themselves to someone else, their is a choice to be made. We as listeners are left with questions such as “should we continue to discover what is to come?” or “Do we stop love from crystallizing to avoid pain?” Maybe it’s left to our imagination, maybe not, but what if love is our freedom? What if slipping is part of the package? A true ear-pleaser and thoughtful song full of all the doubts, fears, and insecurities we all will know in our own lives. We are blown away by Karin Ann’s perspective and humanness on this track. Bravo!

You can listen to Karin Ann’s “if i fall for you” below or on our Unseen Playlist here:

We also wanted to add the music video with this post because, well, its incredible. Check it out for yourself!

Check out Karin Ann Online: